Film Academy



The Seven Winds Academy provides meaningful and productive opportunities that enables talented storytellers from underrepresented backgrounds to develop necessary skills, gain professional industry credits and build successful careers.

Working with a variety of leading film industry stakeholders, Say It Loud! concentrates on supporting talented storytellers from entry level through to senior positions.  This holistic approach enables graduates to make significant contributions to conversations about what’s getting commissioned and the stories that are being told. Say It Loud! We use oral histories to help people and communities to narrate their experiences in their own words, empowering marginalised voices and boosting authentic on-screen representation.

Becoming a script development program this year, we continue with our core mission of celebrating and showcasing stories created by diverse filmmaking talent. Say It Loud! works from the ground up, using our global network to accelerate the careers of a new wave of diverse filmmaking talent. Say It Loud! Supports filmmakers to progress through the industry [digital content ecosystem] and forge successful careers working as behind the scenes and above the line talent. 

The Future of Broadcasting

Filmmaking is evolving

The film industry is about innovation. That’s the great thing about our industry: that it can change. What we have achieved so far gives us hope that we can create an industry, which is inclusive, makes the most of the authentic diverse stories waiting to be told, and satisfies an increasing global audience.  Individuals and organizations driving the innovation in the film industry have good reason to feel proud of their achievements. However, we understand that challenges lay ahead. Seven Winds is working with like-minded solution-oriented partners to create the framework for our industry’s much-needed change.

Driving Innovation

To help drive innovation, Seven Winds works with grassroots organizations and film industry partners on new approaches that supports the current and future generations of diverse talent from underrepresented backgrounds. Our approach is aimed at enhancing the creative industry’s diversity and inclusion efforts. We are creating initiatives that are reflective of the challenges our industry faces.  We are channelling our energies where they can really make a difference.  We’re thinking about sustainability, so we are adopting a holistic approach that has a meaningful and lasting impact.  Our aim is to work from the ground up, driving innovation to accelerate the careers of a new wave of diverse talent.

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